Kobbari Matta Movie Review

Kobbari Matta Movie Review
Kobbari Matta Movie Review

Movie Name: Kobbari Matta
Cast: Sampoornesh Babu, Shakeela
Direction: Sai Rajesh

Telugu cinema's 'Burning Star' Sampoornesh Babu guarantees big laughs in his three avatars

First things first. Kobbari Matta is not a sequel to the slapstick comedy Hrudaya Kaleyam that released a few years back. Here, ‘Burning Star’ Sampoornesh Babu pulls off a triple role as grandfather Paparayudu, son Peddarayudu and grandson Androidu in  this Kobbari Matta Movie.

Director Sai Rajesh doesn’t waste a second to extract maximum entertainment from frame one to the last. By the end of the film, you wouldn’t remember any dialogue completely because there are just too many to remember and laugh.

Sampurnesh Babu, the 'Burning Star' of Telugu cinema, has guaranteed a big laugh in its three incarnations in  this Kobbari Matta Movie.

Kobbari Matta Movie Public Response Kobbati Matta Review Sampoornesh Babu

First things first. Kobbari Matka is not a sequel to the pathetic comedy Hridaya Kaleyam, released a few years ago in  this Kobbari Matta Movie. Here, Bab Burning star 'Sampurnesh Babu pulled off a triple role as Grandpa Paparayadu, son Pedarayudu and grandson Andru.

Director Sai Rajesh has not wasted a second to extract maximum entertainment from the framework to the last. By the end of the film, in  this Kobbari Matta Movie you won't have any dialogue at all because there are simply too many to remember and laugh at.

Kobbari matta means a coconut noose and the tagline 'leaves' of a family man indicates the hero's innumerable family members and their ancestors ... some of them his mistresses from various villages in Andhra Pradesh. To say it briefly, the village head Pedarayadu lives with a large family of three wives, four brothers and several sisters in  this Kobbari Matta Movie. A good Samaritan, he and his family are known for their relationships and love. In almost every scene, the characters are shedding tears, of joy or sorrow; Melodrama and rhymed dialogues degrade the house. In addition, the two avatars of the Rayudu family take out the three-minute long non-stop monologue twice, whistling from the audience in  this Kobbari Matta Movie.

The conflict point in the story arises when Pedarayudu forgets from his maid Shakeela a son Andru who lives in their house. Fearful of bringing ignorance to the family, he tells Shakeela to send her son to the city and educate him. The son comes years later to claim the portion of his property which is being divided between Pedarayudu and his four brothers in  this Kobbari Matta Movie.

Kobbari Matta Movie Public Response Kobbati Matta Review Sampoornesh Babu

The first half of the film is superb entertainment marked by funny scenes, slick and embarrassing dialogues that come at a rapid pace. The second half is a bit tedious with repetitive scenes.

The visuals are absurd; Even as one of Peddarayudu's wives is dying of electrocution, he has an item number with the other wives. In another situation, the elder brother, instructed to share the same toothbrush, to tell how close he is to his siblings, and they all do so voluntarily in  this Kobbari Matta Movie. When one of his brothers gets married, he brings the entire family to the newlywed's bedroom, saying, "Dhigra undari shubhakaram jippidhamu" owes a lot to the bride's feet that drives them out. The songs are good and the lyrics are lively in  this Kobbari Matta Movie.

Sampurnesh gets enough dancing to show his talent and it is clear that he has worked hard to shed his effigy. Mahesh Katti shines as Kamadu. Watch movies without expectations; There is no logic in the film, so there is no scope for complaint in  this Kobbari Matta Movie.

Kobbari Matta Movie Public Response || Kobbati Matta Review Sampoornesh Babu