Patna University Result 2019 Check Now
Patna University Result 2019 Check Now

The result of admission to graduate admissions examinations of Patna University will be announced today. Processes have been completed for preparing results from the university. Students were given an opportunity till 18th June to update the status of the reservation. PU Vice-Chancellor Dr Rasbihari Prasad Singh said that after the evening of 18th June the finalization of the result will be done. Since all the main entrance examinations have been taken from the University till June 4, the results will be released after studying the new provisions of reservation and the selected categorying options of the students.

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Discussion on better conduct of classes

On Monday, a meeting was also organized in the university under the chairmanship of the Vice Chancellor. The meeting also discussed the strategy for better conduct of classes in the new session. The Vice Chancellor clarified that the number of seats has not been increased in the colleges while implementing the provisions of the upper reservation. In those same seats, enrollment will be done by following the procedure according to the rules.
Here the student union and many teachers say that while applying the provisions of the reservation, the number of seats should be increased according to rules, otherwise this category of reservation will not be possible for the students of weaker section of the general category. Many teachers have also suggested a new study of the provisions of reservation for the university administration.