BHU declared the SET result at around 11 am in the morning for students seeking to get admission in Class 9th and Class 11th to the Central Hindu Girls' School and the Central Hindu Boys' School that operate under the guidance of the varsity.
The Banaras Hindu University (BHU) has declared the BHU Central Hindu School (CHS) School Entrance Test (SET) exam results today on its official website- BHU declared the SET result at around 11 am in the morning for students seeking to get admission in Class 9th and Class 11th to the Central Hindu Girls' School and the Central Hindu Boys' School that operate under the guidance of the varsity.
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A merit list has been updated on the website of the University for students checking their SET Result 2019. BHU had conducted SET Exam 2019 in the month of April for different subjects and classes.
Here' s how to check BHU CHS SET Result 2019:
Step-1: Visit the official website of the university.
Step-2: Look for the 'Login Window'.
Step-3: Login using your user ID and password.
Step-4: BHU SET Result 2019 will be displayed on screen.
Step-5: Download the result and take a print out for future references.
The shortlisted candidates who are selected for admission will be called in for counselling session by the respective schools. As per the official notification, the counselling process will commence on June 21, 2019 and will continue till June 27, 2019.