NTA NEET Answer Key 2019:NTA NEET Answer Key2019: National Testing Agency has released the NEET Exam 2019 (NEET Answer Key 2019 by NTA). You can see this answer by visiting the official website ntaneet.nic.in or by clicking the Direct link below, you can also see the answer that you will need your application number and password to see the answer. . Without it, you will not be able to see the answer.
The National Testing Agency organized the NET Exam 2019 on May 5 and 20. 15,19,375 students participated in this examination. Now the assessment of this examination has been released. If you have any objection to answering, you can file your objection between May 29 and May 31 at 11.50 pm online. The applicant will have to pay 1000 rupees for each question. No objection will be accepted without payment of fee and no objection will be registered after the given time.
Applicants can pay the fee for lodging the credit by credit, debit or any other online medium. If the applicant's objection is found correct then the fees will be refunded.
NEET Answer Key in 2019 to register such objection
1. Visit NTA's official website ntaneet.nic.in
2. Login with your application number and password now
3. Now click on 'Apply for KEY Challenge' option.
4. Here you will see 180 questions.
5. Choose the question on which you want to register objection
6. With the question you choose, you will see 'Suggested Answer (s) by the Candidate'.
7. Now scroll down and 'Submit' and go to the next screen
8. Here you will see your objection. Click on 'Final Submit' now.
9. Now pay processing fee